Excel SUMIFS Function

When to Use the Excel SUMIFS Function in Excel
Excel SUMIFS function is used when you want to sum values from a range that meet multiple criteria. It is particularly useful when dealing with large datasets and you need to extract specific subsets of data for analysis or reporting.
Some common scenarios where you might use SUMIFS include sales reports, budget analysis, and expense tracking.
What Excel SUMIFS Function Returns
Excel SUMIFS function returns the sum of values that meet the specified criteria. It allows you to add up numbers from a selected range based on one or more conditions you define.
Syntax of Excel SUMIFS Function
The syntax of the Excel SUMIFS function is as follows:
=SUMIFS(sum_range, criteria_range1, criteria1, [criteria_range2, criteria2], …)
Input Arguments
Here are the input arguments for the Excel SUMIFS function:
● sum_range: This is the range of cells that you want to sum when the specified criteria are met. It contains the values you want to add up.
● criteria_range1: This is the first range where you set your first condition.
● criteria1: This is the condition you want to apply to criteria_range1.
● [criteria_range2, criteria2]: You can add more criteria by specifying additional pairs of criteria ranges and conditions. You can have as many criteria pairs as needed.
Extra Notes
● If none of the specified criteria are met in the Excel SUMIFS function, it will return a result of 0.
● You can use wildcards like “*” and “?” in criteria for text matching to match partial text within the criteria_range.
● When using dates in criteria, ensure that the date formats in the criteria match the date formats in the data range to avoid errors.
● Aggregates values based on multiple specified conditions.
● Disregards empty cells or textual data within the sum_range.
● Criteria can be numbers, math stuff, references to cells, words, or special calculations.
● If criteria is a word or a math symbol (like +, -, /, *), it should be in quotation marks.
● Criteria can’t be longer than 255 characters.
● The sum_range and all the criteria_range must have the same size.
Examples of the Excel SUMIFS Function
Let’s go through a few examples to illustrate how to use Excel SUMIFS function effectively:
Example 1: Basic Usage
Suppose you have a sales dataset in which column A contains product names, column B contains sales amounts, and column C contains the region. You want to calculate the total sales for a specific product in a particular region. You can use the following formula:

Let’s break down this formula:
- B2:B8: This is the range of sales amounts that you want to sum. It covers cells B2 to B8, where your sales data is located.
- C2:C8: This is the range of regions that you want to filter. It covers cells C2 to C8, where your region names are listed.
- “Region 1”: This is the criteria for the region. You are specifying that you want to sum sales in “Region 1”.
- A2:A8: This is the range of product names (Product) that you want to filter. It covers cells A2 to A8, where your product names are listed.
- “A”: This is the criteria for the product name. You are specifying that you want to sum sales for “Product A.”
Excel SUMIFS function will now go through the Sales, Product, and Region columns, and it will sum up the sales amounts where both the Product is “A” and the Region is “Region 1”.
Example 2: Multiple Criteria
In a similar sales dataset, you may want to calculate the total sales for a specific product in a particular region and within a certain date range. You can use the SUMIFS function with multiple criteria like this:

Formula: =SUMIFS(B2:B15,C2:C15,”Region 1″,A2:A15,”A”,D2:D15,”>=01-09-2023″,D2:D15,”<=30-09-2023″)
We added additional date criteria to the formula presented in Example 1, which can be described as follows:
- “>=01/01/2023”: This is the criteria for the starting date of your date range. You are specifying that the date should be greater than or equal to September 1, 2023.
- “<=12/31/2023”: This is the criteria for the ending date of your date range. You are specifying that the date should be less than or equal to September 30, 2023.
This formula sums the sales amounts where the product name is “A”, the region is “Region 1” and the date falls within the specified range.
In conclusion, the Excel SUMIFS function is a valuable tool for performing conditional summing of data based on multiple criteria.
Whether you are managing financial data, sales records, or any other dataset, Excel SUMIFS function can help you extract and analyze the information you need with precision.
As with any Excel function, practice is key to mastering the SUMIFS function. Experiment with different criteria and conditions in your own projects to become proficient in using this function effectively.
Start using Excel SUMIFS function today and elevate your data analysis capabilities in Excel.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q1: Can I use the SUMIFS function to sum values based on OR conditions?
A1: No, the SUMIFS function is designed for AND conditions. If you need to sum values based on OR conditions, you may consider using the SUMPRODUCT or other functions combined with SUMIFS.
Q2: Are wildcards like “*” and “?” supported in criteria for text matching?
A2: Yes, you can use wildcards like “” (asterisk) and “?” (question mark) in criteria for partial text matching. For example, “apple*” would match any text containing “apple”.
Q3: Can I nest SUMIFS functions for more complex criteria?
A3: Yes, you can nest SUMIFS functions to create more complex criteria by using the result of one SUMIFS function as the sum_range or criteria_range of another SUMIFS function.
Q4: What happens if no values meet the specified criteria in a SUMIFS function?
A4: If no values meet the criteria, the SUMIFS function will return 0.
Q5: Can I use SUMIFS across different worksheets in Excel?
A5: Yes, you can use SUMIFS across different worksheets by referencing the worksheets and cell ranges in your formula.
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