Excel LARGE Function

When to Use the Excel LARGE Function in Excel
The Excel LARGE function is a powerful tool when you need to extract the k-th largest value from a set of values in a range. It is particularly useful for analyzing datasets, identifying top performers, or ranking numerical data.
What Excel LARGE Function Returns
The Excel LARGE function returns the k-th largest value from a given range. The ‘k’ value is specified by the user and determines which largest value to extract from the dataset.
Syntax of Excel LARGE Function
The syntax of the Excel LARGE function is as follows:
=LARGE(array, k)
Input Arguments
Here are the input arguments for the Excel LARGE function:
● array: The range of cells or an array containing the numeric values from which you want to extract the k-th largest value.
● k: The position of the value to retrieve. It must be a positive integer. If k is 1, the function returns the largest value; if k is 2, it returns the second-largest, and so on.
Extra Notes
● If the specified ‘k’ is greater than the number of values in the array, the function returns the #NUM! error.
● If ‘k’ is not a positive integer, the function returns the #NUM! error.
● The LARGE function only considers numeric values in the specified array. Empty cells, text values, and boolean values (TRUE and FALSE) are disregarded.
● If all values in the array are non-numeric, the LARGE function returns an error (#NUM!).
Examples of the Excel LARGE Function
Here are few examples of using the LARGE function in Excel:
Example 1: Basic Usage
Suppose you have a dataset in cells A1 to A10, and you want to find the largest value. In cell D1, use the following formula:

This will return the largest value in the range.
Example 2: Dynamic Use with Cell Reference
Suppose you have the value of ‘k’ in cells D3 to D6, and you want to dynamically change the position. Use the following formula:

let’s break down the formula: =LARGE($B$3:$B$12,D3)
- $B$3:$B$12: This part refers to a specific range of cells in column B, from cell B3 to B12. The dollar signs ($) before the column and row references mean that these references are absolute, which implies that they won’t change when you copy the formula to other cells.
- D3: This is the second argument or parameter for the LARGE function. It represents the position of the largest value you want to find. In this case, it is in cell D3. If D3 contains the number 1, it will find the largest value; if it contains 2, it will find the second-largest, and so on.
Example 3: Summing Top Values with SUMPRODUCT and LARGE Functions
Imagine you manage an office supplies store, and you have a dataset containing information about various products and their respective values. Your goal is to sum the top 3 values from the given range. To achieve this, you use the Excel SUMPRODUCT function in conjunction with the LARGE function.

let’s break down the formula: =SUMPRODUCT(LARGE(B3:B15, {1,2,3}))
- B3:B15: This is the range of values in column B from cell B3 to B15.
- LARGE(B3:B15, {1,2,3}): The LARGE function is finding the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd largest values in the specified range. The curly braces “{1,2,3}” are used to create an array that tells the LARGE function which positions to consider. It is saying, “Find the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd largest values”,
- SUMPRODUCT(LARGE(B3:B15, {1,2,3})): The SUMPRODUCT function then takes these three values found by the LARGE function and adds them together.
So, the array “{1,2,3}” serves as a set of positions (1st, 2nd, and 3rd) to be considered by the LARGE function, allowing you to customize which largest values you want to include in the sum.
Practice Workbook
Download Free Practice WorkbookConclusion
In conclusion, the Excel LARGE function is an invaluable tool for extracting specific values based on their position in a dataset. Whether you are analyzing financial data, ranking performance, or conducting statistical analysis, the LARGE function can simplify your tasks and provide meaningful insights.
Remember, exploring different applications of the LARGE function in real-world scenarios will enhance your proficiency in Excel. Practice and experimentation are key to mastering Excel functions. Start using the LARGE function today and take your Excel skills to the next level!
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q1: Can the LARGE function be used to find the smallest value?
A1: No, the LARGE function is designed specifically to find the k-th largest value.
Q2: Is the LARGE function sensitive to the order of values in the array?
A2: No, the LARGE function looks for the k-th largest value regardless of the order of values in the array.
Q3: What happens if ‘k’ is greater than the number of values in the array?
A3: In such cases, the function returns the #NUM! error.
Q4: Can I use a cell reference for the ‘k’ argument?
A4: Yes, you can use a cell reference to dynamically change the position of the value to retrieve.
Q5: Are there any restrictions on the type of values in the array?
A5: The array should contain numeric values; otherwise, the function will return the #NUM! error.
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